We’re so happy you’re here!
Let’s see how Marrón Pelvic Health can support you.
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Have questions?
Fill out the form below.
(770) 626-0050
2645 Dallas Hwy
Suite 240
Marietta, GA 30064
How long is each session?
Each session is 55 minutes with 1:1 care.
What are the visits like?
All visits are 55 minutes with 1:1 care between you and your pelvic health specialist. You will have a safe and confidential space to share your concerns and receive the specialized treatment you need. At the initial visit, we will review your intake forms, conduct a head-to-toe assessment and create your personalized plan.
Can I build better pelvic strength besides Kegels?
Most definitely! It is unfortunate that the greater masses believe doing Kegel's fixes all things related to the pelvic floor. The pelvic floor is just one muscle group needed to support your digestive system, reproductive system, and abdomen. We will do a full body assessment and create a personalized plan to help you reach your goals.
How long does it take to heal?
Each person’s goals are different and each body responds differently. We can’t say how long it will take to heel, but we believe if you follow the plan, you should see some favorable results in about 2 weeks.
Do I need a referral to start my treatment?
No referral is needed for your initial assessment and to start your care. If you have a physician you are working with, we will ask for that contact information so we can close the communication loop regarding your care.