What is the Pelvic Floor?

Many people have heard of the pelvic floor but don't know very much about what it is or what it does. This short blog is going to share all of the basic details about your pelvic floor and why it's so important for your well-being and overall health.

It is a grouping of 14 muscles that provide our overall function and well-being. It is located between our pubic bones, tailbone (coccyx), and sit bones (ischial bones).  They are arranged like a hammock and the bowel structures, bladder structures, and reproductive organs sit in this hammock.

What does it do?

The pelvic floor has four primary functions. It controls our bowel functions, bladder functions, and sexual functions and provides stability for our spine, abdomen, and hips. This is important to know because if you have any issues with your pelvic floor you could have issues with either one of these functions. Conversely, if you have any issues with your bowel, bladder, stability, and or sexual function it could impact your pelvic floor.  

Why is it called the floor? 

It's actually the floor of our core muscles. If we think of our abdomen as a canister the diaphragm is the top, the abdominal muscles are at the front, back, and sides, and the pelvic floor is at the bottom.

How to improve pelvic floor function?

Since the pelvic floor is so integral in our bodies many people are concerned with improving its function. Because this group of muscles has a variety of functions it is logical that it also has a variety of ways to improve its function. But the question you must answer first is what's wrong with the pelvic floor? 

Is it weak? 

Is it strong? 

Is it tight? 

Is it loose? 

Knowing the answer to these questions will point you and the best direction to improve your pelvic floor function.

If you would like to know the best way to improve your pelvic floor contact us today. We offer free phone consultations and would love to help you on this journey of improving your pelvic floor function.


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